I am sure you have all noticed my interest vary just as much as the direction of the wind. In some cases I suppose its a way of reinventing my self every time I get bored. regardless I received some excellent advice from one of my favorite bloggers and I am going to try to create consistency with posting from now on. The material will continue to change as I find new adventures to go on but I am making a promise to post every Tuesday! In fact I just put in my Google calendar so I can't forget! Now just because I'm blogging every Tuesday doesn't mean there might not be an extra post here and there.
As for today, I have a few other things on my mind. First off I am signing up for the
Miss ISOC Contest (More details to come later next week), which has spurred some childhood thoughts and dreams that have been buried for awhile. Most of the contestants from last year were models which I am not, but when I was a kid I did think about wanting to be one. My mother is an amazing woman but didn't think highly of this idea because she didn't want her little girl growing up before her time. Good parenting, but regardless this idea has has inspired creation of my bucket list.
Bucket list
1. Backpack through Europe- Ireland, England, France and Italy
2. Race in at least one Snocross Race
3. Climb Mt. Everest ( Who wouldn't want to stand at the top of the world?)
4. Hike all 46 High Peaks in the ADKs
5. Start my own store selling my own clothing designs ( I keep trying to start an Etsy shop, One of these days!)
6. Have a One on One conversation with Martha Stewart ( She is my idol!)
7. Meet Paul Walker and lick his face! ( People meet famous people all the time- Got to make it memorable.)
8. Design and Build my dream home in the mountains somewhere.
9. Get my motorcycle License and purchase a bike. (Currently saving money for the safety course)
10. Design and get a tattoo of snowflakes falling, down my side. ( This one involves an abundance of courage.)
11. Model
12. Get a job at Arctic Cat or another Snowmobile OEM
Well that its for now... Or at least all I can think of for now.
My second order of business is some plugs for the top 3 business/products that I am hooked on right now that I want everyone to know about!
Herbalife Tea
I am absolutely addicted! I drink it everyday all day. Its not easy for me to gain/lose weight but i have actually dropped about 2-3lbs in the last 2 weeks. But the results speak for themselves:
This is after dropping down to only 2-3 workouts a week! |
Amazing results! Note: I am NOT sucking it in at all! |
A friend introduced me to this website. So dangerous, there is constantly cute stuff that doesn't cost that much and it makes shopping even more fun with rewards the more you look and buy.
Victoria Secret Bra Top Dresses
I have a wedding this weekend and after debating what to wear for weeks, I decided on a one of these
dresses. Its cotton and stretchy while still being classy and sexy. I love comfortable sexy because it means you are being yourself!
Well that all I got for now! I better run before I miss my flight to WI. HA!
Enjoy the weekend!