Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Creative Crafty #10: Presents, Pinterest, and Parties

The Christmas season is over and I am feeling completely exhausted. Living in Massachusetts and having friends and family in Northern New York, New Hampshire, and WI meant my boyfriend and I spent a copious amount of time traveling this holiday season. Out of shear curiosity I decided to GoogleMaps how much we traveled. The conclusion, in just under 2 weeks we did 220 miles by snowmobile, 800+ miles by car (in a snow storm as well), and 2000+ miles by plane. Getting to spend quality time with both of our families made all the travel worth it.

It would be a safe bet to assume that this past weekend that I vegged out, but of course not. Saturday was a craft supply shopping extravaganza with a close friends and fellow crafter. I even finished an infinity scarf that night. Sunday, not to be out-shined by Saturday, was a fun lunch at PF Chang's in Providence Place with my cousin who lives in CT. She apparently is a bad influence because we ended up shopping for another solid 3 hours.( I shall note that almost every store was 40% off clearance so it was a steal.) I did find a super cute skirt suit for only 50$ at The Limited. From now on I think I will only buy clothes this time of year when all the stores are trying to clear out old merchandise. (Ok, so that's not entirely true but I will try! HA!) 

Anyways, to get back on topic, let me catch you up on my last month of crazy fun holiday projects and baked goods. Avoiding the Black Friday madness (which last year I stupidly participated in) I wandered straight into an unhealthy addiction to pinterest in search of yummy goodies and present ideas for my family this year. As a result I have been quite busy but slacking on my blogging efforts. I have listed below the links (as I get those posts done) to the projects and adventures that occurred over the last month and have made them all separate entries for a matter of organization.

1. Foam Core and Recycled Fabric Deer
2. Corkboard Earring Display
3. Ladies Only Lasagna
4. Christmas Cookies and Chocolates
5. Crotched Infinity Scarf
6. Ceramic Mugs decorated with Sharpies
7. Teaching Shane to Snowboard
8. Getting back on the Horse....Power!

All in all, I had an amazing first Christmas with my boyfriend! In all its craziness it was really nice to have him there with me through all of it. He was the first one I ever shared Christmas at my house with and definitely handled his own in my rambunctious family. (I should mention every holiday there is a Nerf gun war, which is a down grade from what used to be shooting real guns at trees and small animals in the back yard.) He stood strong under fire while I was scavenging for "bullets" to feed his assault. We had a great deal of fun and it was a really good experiment that really reminded me again how great we get along and how much I love my family . :)

Hoping you all had fantastic holidays as well! 
Happy New Year!

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