Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Special Edition: Inspirational and Motivational Friends!

This past weekend I had to get up at the crack of dawn each morning. All of my friends and family know that I am NOT a morning person and I only do this if absolutely necessary.

Well lucky for me, I have some crazy friends. On Saturday morning my friend Meg participated in her very first cross-fit challenge. Not only that, she was in the RX or prescribed category and it was a two day competition in Providence, RI! For those who are not familiar cross-fit is the sport of fitness. To be an athlete and perform in this type of competition involves immense commitment and dedication. Training for a competition involves eating right and making good health choices everyday.  I want to give a shout out to Meg for her hard work in preparing for this type of competition and good luck moving forward into your next one! You are a beast! :)

On Sunday morning, my two other friends were running in the Smuttynose Half marathon in Hampton Beach, NH. For my one friend, Kirby, this was her first half marathon. Kirby trained for months leading up to this event eating right and running everyday. Along side of her she had our friend, Lauren, a veteran to running and races much like this. A true friendship, supporting each other through training and right down to the last 3 miles encouraging each other on. I managed to snap a picture of these two remarkable ladies only a short distance from the finish line still with a smile on their faces...kinda.
Almost there!!! 
I am so proud of these two ladies for completing the half marathon without ever having to stop to walk once! They finished in good time and have motivated me to start working out and find a love like these two have found with running.  

~Congrats Kirby and Lauren on the Smuttynose Half- Marathon and Meg on your first Cross-fit Competition!!!~ 
~I'm so proud and I love you guys!!!~ 

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