Friday, October 5, 2012

Finally Friday #5: My Favorite "Good For You" Snacks

In my old age of 23 I have noticed that my body isn't fond of the unhealthy snack choices that I used to make. My favorite choice of these being what I called "Easy Nachos", which are simply a nacho dipped in salsa with spray cheese swirled on top. As tasty as "Easy Nachos" are, I wouldn't rank them up there with the best health munchies nor would I recommend them to anyone unless you are looking for a heart attack. My point, I am a lazy eater and eat what I think tastes good.

Much like everyone else I prefer food with flavor, which means copious amounts of salt, sugar and butter!... Or so I thought. In an attempt to think about what I am eating I have tried purchasing items at the grocery store that are not dripping in grease or covered in sugar. This is a difficult feat seeing I am drawn to them. That combined with my Martha Stewart ways, I found a few easy snack choices that don't taste like eating cardboard. Here are my current munchies that are yummy in my tummy with out building bulge. 

1. Homemade Apple Chips-I have posted my recipe for this yummy snack before, but it is pretty simple. Just slice up an apple or two put a little cinnamon and sugar on them and bake. The tastiest apple for this I have found so far is the Winesap. It is a hearty apple with a sweet but tart flavor that is also great for baking into a pie. This is also a perfect snack for the season and many orchards allow you to go pick your own this time of year. Which is also good exercise and a fun girls day!
Holmberg Orchard and Winery in Connecticut where I picked all my apples!
2. Pita Chips and Sweet Roasted Red Peppers- I found this while strolling through the deli section at my local market. I personally love hummus but typically eat it with pretzels. I have been getting rather sick of the combination and low and behold next to the varieties of hummus there were these bags of Pita chips. I decided to take a chance on them and loved them!!! The chips were Parmesan, Garlic and Herb which alone are pretty tasty but combined with the sweet roasted red pepper hummus its even better. And the best part only 185 Calories a serving and it really fills you up!

3. Chocolate Covered Strawberries- I'm sure you are thinking what is she talking about? According to one medium sized strawberry is only 60 calories. I love chocolate covered strawberries and they are a quick and easy snack to whip together. My recommendation, when you come home with the package of strawberries make them then. Also if you have a problem eating too many of them, like I do, help yourself with portion control by using sandwich baggies and putting only 3 per bag. I would consider any snack under 200 calories to be sufficient.

Hope you all love these snacks as much as I do!  Enjoy your Weekend!!!

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