Saturday, December 15, 2012

Finally Friday #9: 12 days till Christmas!

I already did a post way back about what I loved about Christmas so this time around I am going to rant on and on about what I am looking forward to about this Christmas specifically.

1. A week with my family!- Living so far away from my family its frustrating because I usually only get a weekend with them before I have to turn around and drive 7 hours south again.

2. Sharing it with my favorite man!-We are going to get to spend all of the holidays together. :)

3. Possibly a white Christmas!- All the weather forecasters predict snow for home so I am staying positive!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Finally Friday #8: Thankfulness

A little late but never the less...We are in the midst of my favorite holidays and November is winding down. After a month of seeing everyone's 30 days of thankfulness posts on Facebook, their blogs or twitter  I have decided to make my last Friday post of November be just that.

1. Holidays with Family and my Sadie girl

2. Snow and my favorite time of the year, Winter!!!

3. Creativity and the imagination to create with my friends who also share this with me.